to provide some information on how to deal with staffing issues due to adverse
weather conditions.
If employees are unable to come to work due to adverse weather conditions employers should check if there is a specific term in the contract of employment or staff handbook which gives guidance on how to deal with this situation. If there is no clause that states the employee is entitled to be paid for this time then the employee generally can be given unpaid leave for any time they take off due to adverse weather conditions. If the employee does want to be paid for this time then one option is to reach an agreement with their employer to take this time out of their annual holiday entitlement.
If schools and nurseries close unexpectedly due to adverse weather conditions employees with children will be entitled to time off to deal with the immediate situation and to put plans in place to cover child care
arrangements should the school or nursery remain closed for a period of time. This is known as Family
Emergency Leave this is generally unpaid time unless the employer has a policy in place which states this leave will be paid.
It is good practice to ensure that you adopt a consistent approach in dealing with the impact of adverse weather. A policy on Family Emergency Leave and Time Away from Work will help to provide some guidance for both employers and employees.
If you would like more information on how to deal with this situation please contact me.